Do you ever buy something at one of the above stores? Then go via this link ( to the website.
This way you support Hot Shots financially and it does not even cost you anything! Your order will remain anonymous.
How does it work?
It’s very simple. Webshops pay a commission for every order from a customer that goes via 75% of this commission is deposited on the bank account of Hot Shots. If you go to for example Bol immediately or via, you pay the same. Only, in the latter case Bol will pay a commission from which Hot Shots profits!
Pay attention: no commission on books
In the Netherlands there is a fixed price for books, this means that there can not be a commission on books.
You stay anonymous
Neither sponsorkliks nor Hot Shots knows who ordered something, because you do not need to log in. Sponsorkliks only knows at which webshop you ordered something, the amount of money you paid and that the commission is meant to go to Hot Shots. They know this because you went via a click on Sponsorkliks to the corresponding webshop. Because Sponsorkliks only registers that there was an order at Bol via Sponsorkliks and it is not known who did this order, it is very important that if you order something online, you only do this via Sponsorkliks. A direct order from Bol does not give Hot Shots any money.