

Training op woensdag 18:00-19:30 en donderdag 18:30-20:00

We have multiple fun committees.

Activity committee:

The activity committee organizes a monthly activity.

Members of this committee (from left to right):

  • Joep van Duinen
  • Bart Boers
  • Simon Wagener
  • Lieke Verschuuren
  • Anne van Essen

Weekend committee:

From the first until the third of November we had our members weekend. These are the members that have organized it this year:

  • Guillermo Alonso de Celada
  • Lieke Verschuuren
  • Heleen Aerts
  • Matthijs Crousen
  • Margot Schuiling

Kas committee:

The checking of the bank account committee makes sure all the money that is spent by the treasurer is valid.

Members of this committee:

  • Harmen Blok
  • Gwen Bleckmann

HOT committee:

Every year the HOT committee organizes the Hot Shots Open Tournament, where teams from all over the Netherlands come to play.

This committee is still looking for new members.

Baking committee:

Every quarter Hot Shots plays a fun tournament together with the participants of the floorball course. To make this even more fun, the baking committee prepares something to eat for after the tournament.

Members of this committee:

  • Guillermo Alonso de Celada
  • Gwen Bleckmann
  • Janna van Bragt
  • Madelon Groen
  • Gerbrich Kroon
  • Margot Schuiling

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