

Training op woensdag 18:00-19:30 en donderdag 18:30-20:00

Floorball originates from Sweden and is known for being the fastest indoor sport in the world. It resembles an indoor version of ice hockey. This is because of the boarding surrounding the field, the fact that you’re allowed to play the ball behind the goal, and the physical nature of the game. You play floorball with indoor shoes, a lightweight sticks and a light ball with holes.

Floorball is a relatively new sport, which has gained popularity in a short time throughout Europe and the rest of the world. In the Netherlands there are around a 1000 people playing floorball.

There are three variations of floorball:

Big fieldSmall fieldSwiss
Amount of players5+143+1
Time of a match3x 20 minutes3x 10 minutes3x 10 minutes

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