

Training op woensdag 18:00-19:30 en donderdag 18:30-20:00

Hot Shots also takes part in competitions. There are two kinds of competitions: small field and big field. We will explain it to you.

Small field

A small field competition consists of 3 matchdays every half-year that all take place on a Sunday in Utrecht. The matches are 3×10 minutes with 2-minute breaks in between because of the high intensity. We play with 4 players on the field and change subs throughout the game. On the field need to be at least two women and we always play with mixed teams, men and women. Last half year we played in the 2nd and the 4th poule and played some exciting matches! The next match days for the upcoming half-year are February 29, March 3, and March 24.

If you are interested, do take a look at the teams, via the links under here. 

Costs for a matchday are a total of €53,33 that you divide with your whole team. So, if your team exist of 6 players, each player shall pay around €8,89 for one matchday. The matchdays are extremely enjoyable so definitely don’t hesitate and just give it try!

Hot Shots 3

Big field

For the big field competition, we have been collaborating with the Floorball Flames. Together we have managed to form two Hot Flames teams this year that are doing their utmost best in the competition. With Face Off we also work together this year to form another team, making up for a total of three teams! A big field competition consists of 9 to 14 matches that all take place on Saturdays. The matches take place all over the country. Feel free to contact us if you are interested in joining the competition!

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